Long ago, ‘fore tree’s took root,
And rivers just began to flow.
There lived a prince whose heart was gold,
Who lives amongst us still in stone.
His father ruled with iron hand,
Sowing death as fields of grain.
The prince gazed on, across the land,
Knowing naught for all their pain.
One early morn, amidst the dew,
With cloak and horse, he left his home.
His heart did yearn for something new,
To wander lands and freely roam.
He chanced upon his father’s men,
An honest man they left for dead.
The prince’s heart did ache again,
Though for his father’s death instead.
For many years he roamed the lands,
His heavy heart, for justice, longed.
Through mountain slopes and desert sands,
Aiding those his father wronged.
Upon a cliff and ‘neath the stars,
A serpent dwelled and waited long,
To help him heal his kingdom’s scars,
And show his destiny was strong.
Our prince rebelled against the king,
He thought this task solely his own.
But to his aid, did people spring,
To put their savior on his throne.
For ten long years, the prince did reign,
His light upon the kingdom shone.
‘Till by betrayal he was slain.
And now he rests amongst the stone.